CEO’s Note

Technological Advancement and Perfection, Self-development and Personal growth, Benevolence and Philanthropy…

DynaFusion, meaning ‘a fusion of dynamic minds’, is an amalgamation of passionate, conscientious and committed engineers, providing world-class solutions to the challenges offered by the Automotive industry, also spreading its wings over Aerospace Technology, Industrial Automation and Research programmes.

DynaFusion is about ‘Performance with Integrity’; here, desperation derives innovation. As a company that is built on strong principles and standards, our focus is towards sustainable development, operational excellence, substantial growth, employee gratification, customer satisfaction, environmental sustainability and contribution towards societal development. Our zeal towards innovation and an efficient and diverse team is conducive to our success as a business and as individuals striving to make an impact on society.

I believe that a genius mind or brilliance are not the requisites to become successful, but dreams, fervour, confidence and self-belief are. Growth and comfort do not coexist, the only strategy that is bound to fail is not taking risks. In a world that is continuously changing, stepping out of the comfort zone and creating something new and challenging every day is the goal. At the same time, ethics, morals and staying grounded are important. The purpose of doing all of this is to be able to contribute something back to humanity plus sustaining something for our future generations.

Rajashekhar Rao
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
DynaFusion Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
DynaFusion Automotive Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

DFT/BLR/CEO Message/18102019/V1.0


CSR Policy

DynaFusion Technologies Pvt. Ltd., is committed to be a Responsible Corporate Citizen. We are in business to create Value/Profits for the stakeholders, meeting the business targets of our principals, providing a modest working environment for the employees, meeting quality & service commitments to customers and meeting obligations to the Government in terms of payment of statutory dues and respecting the laws of the land.

Supporting Community Development

DynaFusion supports growth, health and sustenance of under-privileged groups in the communities where we operate. These investments contribute to job creation and local economic development. In certain regions, we take direct measures to improve and develop skills.

  • Providing Basic needs to Government Schools like roofing, toilets etc.
  • Generating employment and development skills
  • Providing primary education to disadvantaged children
  • Supporting underprivileged children and youth with vocational skills
  • Disaster Relief activities

We are also committed to help in environmental issues facing the Planet as also partake in supporting People/Community development activities, thus valuing the “People-Planet-Profit” philosophy of business.

The Social Responsibility of our business extends to all our activities. However, in the matter of providing a specific budget, we are committed to spend 2.00% of our post tax profits, for specific CSR activities as under:

  • Supporting education at school level, including providing facilities, tutors, and scholarships to merited students
  • Support to Community Health related activities like organizing primary health check-up and care camps, including dental screening, in both urban and rural centers, to include providing basic equipment
  • Supporting Skill Development initiatives, help providing facilities and meeting cost of training
  • Supporting Girl-child initiatives